Simulating scRNA-Seq Data using Seurat and scDesign2#
Although we can directly use raw scRNA-Seq count matrix, count-level scRNA-Seq simulators like scDesign2 could provide more flexible options in selecting genes, cell types, and generate any number of cells. Here we will use the HU_0043_Blood_10x
data from HUSCH database as example.
This tutorial does not require GNU/Linux. You may execute it in anywhere with R and reqired packages.
Basic knowledge on R (especially Tidyverse series and Seurat) are assumed for this tutorial.
Downloading Raw Data#
We will firstly download its expression data and cell type annotations. For example, following code downloads the data using GNU WGet:
Also available through AWS CLI.
aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://biostorage/HUSCH/HUSCH_data/HU_0043_Blood_10x/HU_0043_Blood_10x_gene_count.h5 sample_gene_count.h5
aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://biostorage/HUSCH/HUSCH_data/HU_0043_Blood_10x/HU_0043_Blood_10x_meta.txt sample_meta.txt
Then read it into Seurat:
# Decalre sample name for convenience
sample_name <- "HU_0043_Blood_10x"
# Create seurat object
so <- CreateSeuratObject(Read10X_h5(sprintf("%s_gene_count.h5", sample_name)))
# Read cell type annotation
sannot <- readr::read_tsv(
sprintf("%s_meta.txt", sample_name),
show_col_types = FALSE
# Add annotation to metadata
so <- AddMetaData(
object = so,
metadata = sannot$Celltype, = "Celltype"
Quality Control#
We assume that the gene symbols used by HUSCH are HGNC-compatible, and assume you’ve got ens.trans_gene_map.tsv
from Zenodo. For reduction of computation power and consistency across reference genomes, we will remove unknown or unselected genes:
# Read HGNC genes retrived in previous steps
hgnc_genes <- unique(
col_names = c("TRANSCRIPT_ID", "GENE_ID")
# Subset seurat object to include selected genes only.
so <- subset(so, features = names(which(so[["RNA"]]@features %in% hgnc_genes)))
Fitting and Simulation using scDesign2#
Firstly, we will allow scDesign2 to fit the scRNA-Seq data. We use "poisson"
for marginal
parameter instead of defaults since default parameter generates several errors.
# Extract count matrux
scm <- as.matrix(so[["RNA"]]$counts)
# Rename the column names to cell types as-is required by scDesign2
colnames(scm) <- so$Celltype
# Fit the data
copula_result <- fit_model_scDesign2(scm, unique(so$Celltype), marginal = "poisson")
Now we simulate 500 new cells using the same proportion of each cell type:
n_cells <- 500
sim_count_copula <- simulate_count_scDesign2(
cell_type_prop = table(so$Celltype) / length(so$Celltype)
# scDesign2 may forget gene names. Use this to add them back.
row.names(sim_count_copula) <- row.names(scm)
It is also possible to perform a T-cell-only simulation:
# Construction of "cell_type_prop" that sets probability of cells except CD4T/CD8T to zero.
all_cell_types <- unique(so$Celltype)
t_cells_names <- grep("CD[48]T", so$Celltype, value = TRUE)
other_cell_names <- so$Celltype[ ! so$Celltype %in% unique(t_cells_names)]
cell_type_prop <- c(table(t_cells_names) / length(t_cells_names), table(other_cell_names) * 0)
cell_type_prop <- cell_type_prop[sort(names(cell_type_prop), index.return=TRUE)$ix]
sim_count_copula <- simulate_count_scDesign2(
cell_type_prop = cell_type_prop
row.names(sim_count_copula) <- row.names(scm)
The sim_count_copula
object now contains the simulated data.
Writing the Simulated Data to Disk#
The on-disk simulated data format can be used by YASIM-scTCR scaffold
command introduced below.
# Convert to dataframe. Notice the column names now are cell types and are duplicated.
sim_count_copula_df <-
# Normalize column names. The column names is now cell type and n-th cell separated by `-`
colnames(sim_count_copula_df) <- paste(
# Write to disk using Apache Parquet
tibble::as_tibble(sim_count_copula_df, rownames = "FEATURE"),
sprintf("%s_sim.parquet", sample_name)