
Simulate scRNA-Seq and scTCR-Seq data using YASIM-scTCR

Single Cell Immune Profiling by 10X Genomics allows sense of both TCR/BCR sequence and gene expression data using 5’ sequencing on a single-cell basis. This tutorial tells you how to simulate such data using YASIM-scTCR.

Make sure you had correctly set up the environment as-is specified in Readme.


Modern GNU/Linux is assumed for this tutorial. If you’re working under Microsoft Windows, you may use WSL.

Basic knowledge on Shell programming and Python are assumed for this tutorial.

You should also know the basis of regular expressions and its Python implementation.

Before simulation, you may download the pre-built reference and simulated scRNA-Seq data of Humans from Zenodo, which contains the following files:

  • ens.trans_gene_map.tsv, which is a Tab-Separated Value (TSV) whose first column is Ensembl transcript ID and second column is HGNC symbol of corresponding gene.

  • ens.sel_genes.cdna.fa, a FASTA of all selected transcripts that is considerably smaller than the original one.

  • tcr_cache.json, the generated TCR cache. User may not use this file.

  • HU_0043_Blood_10x_sim.parquet, the simulated scRNA-Seq count matrix.

  • usage_bias.json: V/J usage bias for TCR sequences from huARdb.

  • cdr3_deletion_table.json: CDR3 deletion table from huARdb.

  • cdr3_isertion_table.json: CDR3 insertion table from huARdb.

Note that some JSON files may be minified (with .min part). No special actions are required for those files.

Note that some files may be compressed using XZ Utils (with .xz) suffix. Decompress them before proceeding.

Step 1. Generating Scaffold#


YASIM scRNA-Seq Format

The scRNA-Seq data should be provided in a tabular format with one cell per column and one gene per row. The first column should be named FEATURES and contains gene name, with other column names started with the cell type information that allows separation of T cells and other (normal) cells using Python regular expression.

We would recommend using Apache Parquet format for faster I/O. However, it will need arrow R package and pyarrow Python package. If it is not possible, you may also write the data in TSV format.

YASIM single cell scaffold allows clear representation of YASIM-generated files for paired scRNA-Seq and scTCR-Seq data from cell type annotated scRNA-Seq data. It would down-sample genes and normalize expression data. The scaffold for the sample selected above can be generated using the following command:

python -m yasim_sctcr scaffold \
    --transcript_gene_mapping ref/ens.trans_gene_map.tsv \
    --src_sc_data ref/HU_0043_Blood_10x_sim.parquet \
    --out HU_0043_Blood_10x_sim.sim.d \
    --t_cell_regex 'CD[48]T'


  • HU_0043_Blood_10x_sim.sim.d, the generated directory for simulation.

    • scGEX.depth.d, a directory of depth files for each cell.

    • n_cell_bc.txt, barcodes for normal cells, one barcode per line..

    • t_cell_bc.txt, barcodes for T cells, one barcode per line.

    • sim_dw_sampled.parquet or sim_dw_sampled.tsv, down sampled normalized gene counts for each cell.

Step 2. Simulate scTCR-Seq Data#

The simulation of scTCR-Seq data mainly includes genesis of TCR contig sequences, clonal expansion and invocation of LLRGs.

Simulate Ground-Truth TCR Contigs#

This version of YASIM-scTCR separates generation of TCR clonotypes and TCR sequences for distinct T-cells, allowing the simulation of clonal expansion. To do this, the number of TCR contigs should be less than 1/2 T-cells. The following example generates 100 TCRs:

python -m yasim_sctcr rearrange_tcr \
    --tcr_cache_path ref/tcr_cache.json \
    --cdr3_deletion_table_path cdr3_deletion_table.json \
    --cdr3_insertion_table_path cdr3_insertion_table.json \
    --usage_bias_json usage_bias.json \
    -n 100 \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_tcr

You may also generate unexpanded T-cells (i.e., number of T-cells equals to number of TCRs):

python -m yasim_sctcr rearrange_tcr \
    --tcr_cache_path ref/tcr_cache.json \
    --cdr3_deletion_table_path cdr3_deletion_table.json \
    --cdr3_insertion_table_path cdr3_insertion_table.json \
    --usage_bias_json usage_bias.json \
    -n "$(cat HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/t_cell_bc.txt | wc -l)" \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_tcr

This step may report finish with N failures – don’t worry! None of your cells would lose.


  • sim_tcr.stats.tsv, the ground-truth TCR contig statistics, with following columns:

    • UUID, the unique identifier of each TCR.

    • TRAV & TRAJ & TRAC & TRBV & TRBJ & TRBC, gene name of corresponding TCR segments.

    • ACDR3_AA & BCDR3_AA, AA sequence of CDR3 on corresponding TCR segments.

    • ACDR3_NT & BCDR3_NT, NT sequence of CDR3 on corresponding TCR segments.

    • ALPHA_AA & BETA_AA, AA sequence of the corresponding TCR chain.

    • ALPHA_NT & BETA_NT, NT sequence of the corresponding TCR chain.

  • sim_tcr.nt.fa, ground-truth contig in nucleotide with seqname {UUID}_A for TCR alpha chain and {UUID}_B for TCR beta chain.

Simulation of T-Cell Clonal Expansion#

TCR clonal expansion was found to follow a Zipf’s distribution. Here we would generate it. A clonal expansion distribution is generated, and clonal-expanded TCR contigs will be allocated to each T-cell (represented by distinct barcode).

python -m yasim_sctcr generate_tcr_clonal_expansion \
    -b HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/t_cell_bc.txt \
    --src_tcr_stats_tsv HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_tcr.stats.tsv \
    --dst_nt_fasta HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa \
    --alpha 1


  • HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa: Nucleotide sequences for TCR of each T-cell with seqname {BARCODE}_A for TCR alpha chain and {BARCODE}_B for TCR beta chain.

Generation of TCR Depths#

Before introducing machine errors, we will add depth information to each T-cell. The following code generates a depth file with 20 (uniform distribution) as sequencing depth for each T-cell.

python -m yasim_sctcr generate_tcr_depth \
    -b HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/t_cell_bc.txt \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/scTCR.depth.tsv \
    -d 20


  • HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/scTCR.depth.tsv: A YASIM Isoform-level-depth compatible depth file. Here, TRA and TRB contig of a cell is regarded as one isoform.

Invocation of LLRGs#

The following example would perform single-end scTCR-Seq using ART. To simulate full-length scRNA-Seq (i.e., SMART-Seq, SMART-Seq2, etc.), do the fiollowing:

# Split the FASTA before performing calling YASIM RNA-Seq interface
python -m labw_utils.bioutils split_fasta HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa
python -m yasim art \
    -F HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa.d \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x/sim_tcr_50 \
    --sequencer_name GA2 \
    --read_length 50 \
    -d HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/scTCR.depth.tsv \
    -e art_illumina \
    --preserve_intermediate_files \
    -j 20

You may simulate 3’ amplified scTCR-Seq with following step:

python -m labw_utils.bioutils split_fasta HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa
python -m yasim art \
    -F HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa.d \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x/sim_tcr_50 \
    --sequencer_name GA2 \
    --read_length 50 \
    -d HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/scTCR.depth.tsv \
    -e art_illumina \
    --preserve_intermediate_files \
    -j 20 \

You may simulate 5’ amplified scTCR-Seq with following step:

seqkit seq --reverse --complement \
    <HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.nt.fa \
python -m labw_utils.bioutils split_fasta HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.rc.nt.fa
python -m yasim art \
    -F HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_t_cell.rc.nt.fa.d \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x/sim_tcr_50 \
    --sequencer_name GA2 \
    --read_length 50 \
    -d HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/scTCR.depth.tsv \
    -e art_illumina \
    --preserve_intermediate_files \
    -j 20 \


  • HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_tcr_50.d: The target directory where reads generated from TRA and TRB sequences of all cells are separated into single file.

  • HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_tcr_50.fq: A merged file which contains all simulated reads.

  • HU_0043_Blood_10x.sim.d/sim_tcr_50.fq.stats: Real simulation statistics.

Step 3. Simulate scRNA-Seq Data#

Since scRNA-Seq depth information had already been contained in the scaffold, we only need to invoke LLRG. The following example would perform scRNA-Seq using ART. The following example simulated full-length scRNA-Seq, with 5’ or 3’ amplified scRNA-Seq available using the method described above.

python -m labw_utils.bioutils split_fasta ens.sel_genes.cdna.fa
python -m yasim_sc art \
    -F ens.sel_genes.cdna.fa.d \
    -o HU_0043_Blood_10x/sim_notcr_50.d \
    -d HU_0043_Blood_10x/scGEX.depth.d \
    -e art_illumina \
    -j 20


  • HU_0043_Blood_10x/sim_notcr_50.d: The target directory where reads generated from all cells is separated into single files.