
This is a quickstart guide for YASIM. In this documentation, you would generate Third-generation Sequencing (TGS) RNA-Seq reads from C. Elegans (worm) reference genome with Alternative Splicing (AS) events.

This tutorial assumes a basic understanding of RNA-Seq and Shell scripting.

How to read this documentation:

Here would list version information of each component used in this tutorial for reproductive purposes.



GNU Bash


GNU Grep


GNU Wget






YASIM Data Flow Diagram#

The following diagram lists the full YASIM workflow. You are not limited to this and can start at any position.

YASIM data flow

Step 0. Retrieve Reference Genome Sequence and Annotation#

Inside the example, chrI of C. Elegans reference genome sequence (in FASTA format) and annotation (in GTF format) from UCSC will be used.

Get chrI of the CE11 reference genome sequence and annotation from UCSC.

wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ce11/bigZips/genes/ce11.ncbiRefSeq.gtf.gz
gunzip ce11.ncbiRefSeq.gtf.gz
grep -i '^chrI\s' < ce11.ncbiRefSeq.gtf > ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.gtf

wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/ce11/chromosomes/chrI.fa.gz
zcat chrI.fa.gz > ce11.chr1.fa

Before doing anything, we will ensure that the requirements of YASIM are satisfied.

python -m yasim self_check

And you’re expected to see an output like:

2023-12-15 17:06:17,024 [INFO] labw_utils.commonutils.libfrontend       yasim -- Yet Another SIMulator for Alternative Splicing and Realistic Gene Expression Profile ver. 3.2.0
2023-12-15 17:06:17,024 [INFO] labw_utils.commonutils.libfrontend       Called by: /home/yuzj/Documents/yasim/src/yasim/__main__.py self_check
YASIM version info:
labw_utils: 1.0.3
yasim: 3.2.0
pandas: 2.1.4
numpy: 1.26.2
scipy: 1.11.4
tqdm: 4.66.1
joblib: 1.3.2
pysam: 0.22.0
jinja2: 3.1.2
h5py: 3.10.0
setuptools: 68.2.2
seaborn: 0.13.0
matplotlib: 3.8.2
badread: /home/yuzj/conda/envs/yasim_dev/bin/badread
pbsim: /home/yuzj/conda/envs/yasim_dev/bin/pbsim
pbsim2: ERR
pbsim3: /home/yuzj/bin/pbsim3
dwgsim: /home/yuzj/conda/envs/yasim_dev/bin/dwgsim
art_illumina: /home/yuzj/conda/envs/yasim_dev/bin/art_illumina
ccs: /home/yuzj/conda/envs/yasim_dev/bin/ccs
samtools: /home/yuzj/conda/envs/yasim_dev/bin/samtools

Step 1. Generation of AS Events#

This step would generate alternative splicing events. It would take reference genome annotation as input and generate GTF with AS events as output.

The following example generates AS events from chromosome 1 of CE11 reference genome annotation with Transcriptome Complexity Index 5:

python -m yasim generate_as_events \
    -f ce11.fa \
    -g ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.gtf \
    -o ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.as.gtf \
    -c 5


  • ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.as.gtf, the generated GTF with AS events.

  • ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.gtf.0.4.gvpkl.xz, if not exist. This is a cache file for the labw_utils GTF parser.

The generated GTF should be seen as ground truth for benchmarking AS detectors. The reference genome should have a Transcriptome Complexity Index between 1 and 2 with real organisms in about 2.

Step 2. Generate Sequencing Depth of Gene#

This step would generate base gene expression levels in coverage (aka., depth) for each gene over some GTF.


The generated coverage is NOT number of reads generated! It cannot be used as ground truth to assess quantification software! The number of reads ground truth will be provided by LLRG UIs introduced below.

Example of coverage generation on genome annotation with AS events just generated with mean depth 5:

python -m yasim generate_gene_depth \
    -g ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.as.gtf \
    -o ce11_gene_depth.tsv \
    -d 5


  • ce11_gene_depth.tsv, a TSV file with the following columns:

    • GENE_ID, the gene_id field in GTF.

    • DEPTH, gene expression level in coverage.

This step may also generate some miscellaneous cache for GTF file. You are safe to ignore them.

Step 3. Generate Sequencing Depth of Isoform#

Here assigns expression level in coverage to isoforms. The mean expression level of each isoform in some genes should be equal to the base expression level assigned to that gene in the previous step.

The Following is a typical example. The parameter alpha (default to 4) was used to adjust the evenness between isoform expression levels inside a gene.

python -m yasim generate_isoform_depth \
    -g ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.as.gtf \
    -d ce11_gene_depth.tsv \
    -o ce11_isoform_depth.tsv


  • ce11_isoform_depth.tsv, a TSV file with the following columns:

    • TRANSCRIPT_ID, the transcript_id field in GTF.

    • DEPTH, isoform expression levels in coverage.

Step 4. Transcribe GTF to FASTA#

This step is general-purpose. It can be used to transcribe (stranded) any GTF that contains some isoforms. As a result, it creates (1) a FASTA file of all cDNAs and (2) a directory with all cDNAs in separate FASTA files. This step will skip those isoforms whose region is not defined in the genomic sequence (FASTA). It would not add post-transcriptional modifications.

For those who are familiar with BedTools, it should generate similar output with:

bedtools getfasta -nameOnly -s -fi [FASTA] -bed [GTF] > [OUT]

For those who are familiar with GffRead, it should generate similar output with:

gffread -g [FASTA] -w [OUT] [GTF]


python -m labw_utils.bioutils transcribe \
    -f ce11.chr1.fa \
    -g ce11.ncbiRefSeq.chr1.as.gtf \
    -o ce11_trans_as.fa


  • ce11_transcripts.fa, the generated cDNA sequence FASTA.

  • ce11_transcripts.fa.d, the directory where every cDNA is stored as separate FASTA files.

  • ce11_transcripts.fa.stats.tsv, a TSV file with the following columns:

    • TRANSCRIPT_ID, the transcript_id field in GTF.

    • GENE_ID, the gene_id field in GTF.

    • SEQNAME, chromosome & scaffold & contig name.

    • START, the start field in GTF, 1-based inclusive.

    • END, the end field in GTF, 1-based inclusive.

    • STRAND, the strand field in GTF.


    • TRANSCRIBED_LENGTH, length of the cDNA without introns and UTRs.

    • GC, GC content of the cDNA in percentage.

Step 5. Invocation of LLRGs: Use PBSIM version 3 for Example#

The Low-Level Read Generators (LLRGs) are programs that simulate DNA-Seq on some reference genome sequences by clipping reads in appropriate lengths and introducing sequencing errors. YASIM invokes LLRG on stranded cDNA sequences to generate RNA-Seq data. Here we would demonstrate their usage with the following examples:


The official build of PBSIM, PBSIM2 and PBSIM3 shares a common executable anme (pbsim) but with different argument layout. For convenience, I renamed executable of PBSIM2 to pbsim2 and PBSIM3 to pbsim3. If you do not use this in your computer, please use the -e option.

PBSIM is a general-purpose TGS DNA-Seq simulator that supports the simulation of PacBio RS sequencers. It can generate both Continuous Long Reads (CLR) and Circular Consensus Sequence (CCS) data.

Compared to NGS simulators, TGS simulators have truncate_ratio_3p and truncate_ratio_5p. These two parameters are used to set hard limits on two sides that allow the simulation of incomplete reads due to reasons like 3’ truncation.

Following is an example of simulating CLR data using the PacBio RS II model:

python -m yasim pbsim3 \
    -F ce11_trans_as.fa.d \
    --hmm_method errhmm \
    --hmm_model RSII \
    -j 40 \
    -d ce11_isoform_depth.tsv \
    -o pbsim3_mode


  • pbsim_mode.fq, simulated Single-End FASTQ.

  • pbsim_mode.d, a temporary directory for diagnostic purposes that can be safely deleted.

  • pbsim_mode.fq.stats, statistics of simulated FASTQ. a TSV containing the following columns:

    • TRANSCRIPT_ID, the transcript_id field in GTF.

    • INPUT_DEPTH, isoform expression levels in coverage provided by the upstream source.

    • SIMULATED_N_OF_READS, simulated number of reads. This value can be used in assessing read quantifiers.

    • SIMULATED_N_OF_BASES, simulated number of bases.

    • TRANSCRIBED_LENGTH, length of the cDNA without introns and UTRs.

    • SIMULATED_DEPTH, simulated depth.