Supported Formats
DEGs List

Comma-separated text (TXT) or comma-separated values (CSV) files with a gene expression matrix.

We require eiter gene symbol or Emsembl ID in the first column of your data (with or without header "SYMBOL" or "EMSEMBL").

It is possible that your data have extra columns after the first column (see example data)

Also, here are some examples for text input data




Download template data file for up-regulated genes click here

Download template data file for down-regulated genes click here

gROI File

Browser Extensible Data (BED) file with peaks data

The first three fields in each feature line are required:

  • chrom - name of the chromosome. Chromosome names should be given without the 'chr' prefix .
  • chromStart - Start position of the feature in standard chromosomal coordinates.
  • chromEnd - End position of the feature in standard chromosomal coordinates

  • e.g.

    1 29939 30076

    1 53288 53422

    1 95096 95230

    1 95388 95522

    1 103463 103597

    1 107454 107662


    Download template data file click here

       Example Results
    example result