Region Associated DEG (RAD) is a tool to find region associated differentially expressed genes.
The algorithm behind RAD has been implemented in recent publications (Liu et al., Nat. Commun., 2021. ; Pastor, W.A. et al., Nat. Cell Biol., 2018; Harris, C.J. et al., Science, 2018; Gallego-Bartolomé, J. et al., Cell, 2019).
See supported format for upload in the example.
Feb. 2, 2021:RAD: a web application to identify region associated differentially expressed genes was published online on Bioinformatics.
Jan. 28, 2021:The associated paper "RAD: a web application to identify region associated differentially expressed genes" was accepted by Bioinformatics.
Dec. 30, 2020: RAD v1.2 is released. RAD now supports both hypergeometric or binomial test for statistical inference.
Oct. 24, 2020: RAD v1.1 is released. RAD now supports user-defined extended distance. We also update the illustrative diagram in the introduction.
Jul. 10, 2020: RAD v1.0 is launched.